Portable Rooftop Guardrail Portable Rooftop Guardrail Portable Rooftop Guardrail

Portable Rooftop Guardrail


Guardian Fall Protection Portable Guardrail

Problem: This manufacturing facility needed a passive fall protection system to keep its maintenance workers safe as they access the roof to perform scheduled maintenance.

Solution: EFP installed this Guardian portable guardrail systems. These non-penetrating rooftop guardrails meet OSHA requirements for rooftop applications. The versatility of Guardian’s G-rail and Quickset Multi-Directional Base Plates allow the safety rail system to be positioned near the rooftop leading edge for an OSHA compliant solution to eliminate the fall hazard.

Engineered Fall Protection (EFP) is a distributor, manufacturer, service and inspection provider for portable guardrail systems and rooftop fall protection; serving clients from coast to coast, Canada, Mexico and especially focused in the states of Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Nebraska, Tennessee, Kentucky, Iowa, Oklahoma, Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, and Florida.

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